Friday, May 05, 2006

The Power of Insomnia!

Yep, for some reason am all wired tonight. I think the closer it gets to May 8th, the more charged I become. Visions of textbooks dancing away from me, term papers falling from the sky, floppy discs twirling about but nonetheless, all of these objects fade away, grow dimmer as each day passes *sigh*...
But the funny thing is, in a few months I will end up going nutty and feeling stupid. You know what they say;

Your brain is a muscle, use it or lose it.

Ok sorry for being silly, worked on my one paper all day so my brain is Kaput! Out of 20 pages, 16 are done for the art and lit. The SLA, well I got all the info gathered, the transcriptions are completed. I just need to organize them and get them in a word doc.. This only has to be 15 pages, that I can handle, no problem.

Tmw (er I mean later tonight) I am meeting friends for Mexican before DPHH. I havent been out much in the last several weeks. I need 1 night off. Besides Ty and Dar are in town and wanna see them, catch up some.

Been searching the apartment classifies, I plan to make some VP calls next week or beg my friend Cain to make the calls. Besides, I hafta learn my way around Brooklyn and this will be a whole new area for me to explore. I feel like I pretty much got the Upper West side of Manhattan conquered. Ive only been to Brooklyn 3xs, all to see Lewis in the past year and a half.

The SDI trailer is almost done. Next will be PAWs. Trantula Tim will be ready in a few weeks to get started on the website, in the words of Ronnie "Whee!"

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